Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Because I need another useless item on my credit card bill

So I have succumbed to the powers of peer pressure. My friend and officemate, Marisa, was looking into subscribing to Netflix yesterday. I, meanwhile, was responsibly and diligently focusing on my work, using every ounce of self-control to keep my eyes on my own computer screen. Let's just say willpower has never been my forte. All I had to see was anything that vaguely resembled a quiz on Marisa's screen and my resolve instantly crumbled to a fine powdery dust. Not only did I subscribe to Netflix, I also managed to rate over 300 movies in the span of 24 hours.

Hi, my name is Viveka. I have no self-control.

On the other hand (cue stream of rationalization), I am looking forward to watching lots of movies that are on my must-see list but which I never actually rent at the video store. I don't know if it's just me, but I have this odd tendency to rent the same five movies over and over again until I realize I should just buy the damn movie already. In an effort to correct this habit, I have perhaps overcompensated by zealously availing myself of the frequent "3 for $20!" DVD sales and purchasing movies that I haven't actually seen yet, with the asinine notion that it's cheaper to buy the used DVD rather than bring myself to rent it and actually return it on time. You do the math. It don't make much sense. Hence the far more financially sound decision to pay $4.99/month (plus tax, of course) for two movies which I will be forced to watch and subsequently forget to return... all without penalty! Hey, it makes sense in my head. And that's what counts. I don't know how my bank account feels about it, but it will just have to deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful! Netflix should be a controlled substance, like cocaine. TV series on DVD are particularly dangerous.
